Optimal savings

Lower heating costs

SpeedComforts help achieve substantial cost savings. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • SpeedComforts allow the supply temperature of the central heating water to be lowered, which saves gas
  • Lower central heating water temperature means less heat loss in pipes
  • The SpeedComforts help the room reach optimum temperature faster, which means the boiler is not running for so long.
  •  Adjustment on the water side of the installation yields further savings

More comfort

SpeedComforts help increase comfort in the home.

  • SpeedComfort fans move heat from the radiator into the room more quickly
  • There is less residual heat in the radiator when the room is at temperature because the SpeedComfort moves heat from the radiator into the air. This results in a more even temperature
  • The warm air is distributed throughout the room more effectively and does not remain close to the ceiling because the SpeedComfort circulates the air quietly.

3 steps to making savings

SpeedComforts help increase comfort immediately after installation because the room heats up faster and the heat is distributed more evenly. This results in immediate savings because the room heats up faster and more efficiently, allowing the thermostat temperature to be lowered.
But you can save even more: SpeedComforts make it possible for the boiler water supply temperature to be lowered while still keeping the home feeling comfortable. To go one step further and save even more, have your central heating system adjusted on the water side by an installer.

Follow the steps below to save optimally on gas consumption.

1. Installing SpeedComforts

In order to make optimum use of what the SpeedComforts have to offer in terms of saving energy and increased comfort, it is important to select the right radiators and/or convectors in the home upon which to fit them. These are usually the areas in which you spend the most time such as the living room or the office.

One or more SpeedComforts can be used, depending on the length of the radiator or convector. You can connect them with the supplied 30 cm connecting cable. If you want to bridge greater distances, a bay window for example, simply order a separate 60 cm or 120 cm connecting cable. The adapter cable can be extended in the same way if a power supply is a bit further away.

For longer radiators and convectors, 20 units can be connected to one power supply. To achieve this, expansion sets consisting of a SpeedComfort and a connection cable are available in the webshop.

After installing the SpeedComfort, lower the thermostat temperature. Or turn the knob of the heating down if there is no thermostat. Experiment and try different things to see what is possible and feels comfortable. You will save energy with every degree you lower the temperature.


2. Lowering the temperature of the water in the boiler

SpeedComforts ensure sufficient heat enters the room at a lower central heating water temperature. Lowering the water temperature of the central heating system can result in considerable savings on your gas consumption. This is simpler than it sounds: simply change the settings via the display on the boiler.

The extent of how low the water temperature in the central heating system can be reduced depends partly on the insulation qualities of the house and the quality of the central heating system. Most boilers remain set at the factory settings of 80-85 degrees. The flow temperature can be lowered initially to 60 degrees. If this works well, gradually lower the water temperature further.

If help doing this is required, contact an engineer in your area who can help.


3. Hydronic balancing

Usually, heating installations are not (optimally) tuned, this results in inefficient energy consumption, higher gas consumption and cold areas.

Hydronic balancing is essential to ensure the heating installation works properly.

Hydronic balancing is the optimization of hot water flows to radiators to ensure the correct amount of hot water flows to each radiator at the right speed, which is necessary to achieve the desired temperature in each room. The amount of water fed into each radiator is increased or reduced by means of a screw in the radiator valve, pre-setting of a thermostat valve or a separate (foot) valve. Hydronic balancing is normally carried out by an expert.

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